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Just wanted to see if anybody knew of an aquarium safe glue or adhesive, that will bond glass to a pvc bottom. Im in the prosess of building a 300 gallon tank, and i want to use a pvc bottom on it. So let me know if yall have any ideas.

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  1. Trido's Avatar
    Ive used DAP E-6000 with great success glueing glass to acrylic and vise versa.

    But Im not too sure I'd build a large fish tank with it. Maybe you can contact the builders of A.G.E. tanks and get the trade secret for the tanks they build
  2. Jessy's Avatar
    I know marc mentioned something but he's out at Next Wave all weekend. i'm sure he'll speak up when he gets back.
  3. melev's Avatar
    Duane is right. A.G.E. is the only company that does it, and it is a secret process so they can protect their business' income.