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New Online Store IV

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Ok, work has been BUSY! My apologies for not updating. One of the zoa's I ordered was missing, however I recieved a birdsnest frag marked "Free". I sent an email to Ricordeausa to inquire, he stated the zoa I ordered was out of stock, so he sent me the frag.

Everything looks great, have to make time to get pictures. Packaging was great, and livestock looks better in person than online, so he's not photoshopping pics. Shipping is flat rate fee, so if you want to save even more money, suggest doubling up an order with a friend.

Lastly, minor mistakes to the order, but in my favor. I asked for 10 polyps of a specific zoa. I got the one I ordered, but there are easily 25+ polyps on it.

I give it a B+, taking off a bit for not giving me a heads up on the out-of-stock swap. Thou I came out ahead, this may irritate some potential customers.

Again, will try to get pics up as soon as I can.

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