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Coral mortalities?

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Is it normal for corals to all of a sudden die for no reason seemingly? I just lost a frogspawn and a couple of mushroom corals and cant figure out why. Salinity normal, 0 ammonia,nitrate .5 phosphate, 440 ca ,ph All the other fish and corals look great. Seems to be a lot of little red
flakes everywhere...could they be flatworms and could they be the cause? Thanks Kitch40

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  1. steve8855's Avatar
    any pics of it
  2. kitch40's Avatar

    hopefully these pictures work out
  3. melev's Avatar
    I don't see any pictures. Red Planaria won't make frogspawn & mushrooms die. Too much light could be the culprit. How long do you run your lights, and what specifically do you have over the tank?
  4. kitch40's Avatar
    I've got 3 250 mhs and 2 actinic t5 hos . actinics are running 12 hrs and halides are running 8hrs. My lfs thinks my temp is swinging too much so we moved all the ballasts out from under the tank... hopefully that helps. Also the photo of the worms comes up on my computer above your blog...they are the little brownish red squares by the rock
  5. melev's Avatar
    What is the temperature at these times:

    9am, 12pm, 3pm, 6pm, 9pm, 12am, 3am

    Do you have the canopy cracked open at all to let some heat out? Do you use cooling fans?