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PhosBan Reactor maxi-jet question

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I'm thinking a/b setting up a PhosBan 150 reactor below my tank, mounting it on the wall of my stand. I have a taller reef tank 46 gallon, I don't have a fuge just a very large HOB skimmer, which takes up alot of room on the bk of my tank. Looking @ what other people use as a pump for these reactors it seems like the 400 maxi-jet is very popular. I just don't think it's strong enough being it will be almost 2.5-3 ft from lid of tank to where the reactor will be put and another 2.5-3 ft bk up for the return. Any suggestions???

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Updated 08-22-2011 at 12:28 AM by melev



  1. melev's Avatar
    Most people hook up the maxijet to the reactor in their sump. It's less than 12" away. If you set it up as a HOB like your skimmer, the maxijet will be in the tank, still about 8" away.

    If you want the Phosban Reactor on the floor behind the tank, I don't know how that will work out. I'd hang it on a couple of panhead screws off the wall if you can't hang it on the tank itself.
  2. TDTA1181's Avatar
    i was thinking that maybe i could get a larger pump, say 600 or 900 to get to my goal. I maybe just day dreaming though. What brand of media would you suggest? How often should it be replaced?
  3. partman1969's Avatar
    The rubber nipples on the Phosban 150 are not suitable to be siphon or pressure fed from below the tank. I feel a flood would result from mounting under the tank. I don't think the unit would even fluidize with head pressure, and if it did would surpass the sealing abilities of the supplied elbows. Sump mounting or back of tank much better for this unit.
  4. matt_longview's Avatar
    I just picked up a next reef shorty reactor and they're fantastic. Comes with a great assembly to hang on the side of the tank. It's got a large cylinder for the media, so it does take up some room. At least 6". Check it out though, it's a great reactor. I'm running chemi-pure elite and purigen in mine.

    Also, if you buy their kit... it comes with a great little pump.
  5. melev's Avatar
    I agree. If you are going to do this on the floor, get the NextReef reactor and a pump. Something that can be used externally perhaps, like an Eheim or a Maxijet Utility pump. Not the cute little maxijet pump.