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Snorkeler's Cube

Light curves of my weather simulator

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First day of vacations, not feeling well, spent most of the day either at the bathroom or sleeping.... at night I was feeling a little better, so I decided to work on the Arduino sketch, try to finalize v1.0 of it. Testing was still needed, so I proceeded with the test generating sample light curves for the various day types. By day type I mean "clear day", "cloudy day of various intensities", "thunderstorm day", each defined by an Okta number from 0 to 8.

Created charts using LibreOffice's X-Y chart plot, with X being time elapsed since start of day and Y being 0-100% of light intensity. Detected a bug with Okta 5 and 6 days, fixed it, and now everything seems to be working fine.

Enough talking, here are the charts:

The days with Thunderstorms (oktas 5, 6 and 8) would have random lightning flashes while inside the thunderstorm. That I might not implement in version 1.0 of the controller, will depend on time. Also I probably won't implement moonlight in version 1.0, but plan to do so later. Already found code online to define moon phase, will need to find some more defining when moonrise and moonset happens.


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Tags: led
Lighting , ‎ DIY projects


  1. DJ in WV's Avatar
    you build everything from scratch
  2. snorkeler's Avatar
    More or less, DJ.

    The hardware assembly, yes, I built it up from scratch buying each part and putting them together.

    The hardware design, no, I was guided by kcress (from ReefCentral). The design of the drivers is really his, not mine.

    The software design, yes, I created the cloud logic and designed an algorithm to program it, programmed and tested it. I used great barrier reef data from another reefer named numlock10 (from ReefCentral), but the algorithm I crated from scratch.
  3. DJ in WV's Avatar
    I got one on the drawing board atm that utilizes 40w rbga leds, all 4 colors will be adjustable on each led. After reading all the folks that seemed to be not so happy with their color picks I decided id give this a try. Hardware end is more my speed I will definitely have some questions on your software for you once I get pass the bench test. I need to order a better bench top ps to continue any further as my 5v/12vdc powered bread board isnt up for this. I thought that the led fixtures were priced unseasonably till I started on this even tho there isnt anything close to it on the market atm the prices dont look so bad anymore
  4. melev's Avatar
    This is really cool.

    Can you implement a sudden inrush of RO/DI water during the thunderstorm phase to reduce salinity, and then on full blistering cloudless days top off with saltwater to increase salinity? LOL