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Recomendations for the Process of Dosing Kalk +2.

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Well I have been having an issue with low pH so I decided to purchase a bottle of Brightwell Aquatics Kalk +2. What would be the best method of dosing the into my aquarium? I have a 40 gallon Breeder aquarium for the display with no sump. I was going to mix the top off water with the Brightwell Aquatics Kalk +2 and use a drip in an area of high flow since I don't have an Auto Top Off or a Dosing Pump. Any thoughts?

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  1. SlappyNC1's Avatar
    You'll hate this response, and I hate giving it, but you weren't specific enough about several important factors and you should be managing several inter-dependent variables, all of which are relative to managing pH (not just Kalk additions). The best information I ever obtained on this topic was from the book "The Reef Aquarium; Science, Art and Technology" by J. Charles Delbeek and Julian Sprung. You're chances of success will be 100% better if you just read chapter 5, "Calcium, Alkalinity and pH Maintenance." IMHO, pages 233-240 are the best solutions available. You don't even need to buy it (although it is worth every penny) if you're local library has access to it.
  2. TH3C1SC0K1D's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by SlappyNC1
    You'll hate this response, and I hate giving it, but you weren't specific enough about several important factors and you should be managing several inter-dependent variables, all of which are relative to managing pH (not just Kalk additions). The best information I ever obtained on this topic was from the book "The Reef Aquarium; Science, Art and Technology" by J. Charles Delbeek and Julian Sprung. You're chances of success will be 100% better if you just read chapter 5, "Calcium, Alkalinity and pH Maintenance." IMHO, pages 233-240 are the best solutions available. You don't even need to buy it (although it is worth every penny) if you're local library has access to it.
    I have no problem with the response. I actually enjoy reading various publications on the reef keeping hobby to see how various methodologies work. I'm not interested on possible causes of low pH. I have actually narrowed that down to either 2 possibilities. Honestly I am just looking for methods for dosing Brightwell Aquatics Kalk +2 whether is be via dosing pump or drip method and should I take any precautions since I am dosing into a display as opposed to a sump. Sorry if I wasn't totally clear about that.
  3. SlappyNC1's Avatar
    My bad, I think you've got it figured out - if you control your dose (very slow in drops) in high a flow area, you should be ok. :-)
  4. Hat39406's Avatar
    I believe you have the best idea of dose your tank with the setup you have.
  5. TH3C1SC0K1D's Avatar
    Thank you guys. I have went with a very slow drip and will be monitoring it closely.
  6. melev's Avatar
    Please assign a category to each entry you make. This one is water chemistry, for example. Categories are listed under the editor window. Click whichever applies best, and multiples are allowed.

    Yes, that is key. The one thing you want to avoid is overdosing. The drip method during the late night hours is usually best.