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DJ in WV

Question about green finger leather

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When i first got this frag it stayed open and was healthy looking then it started shrinking up. I thought it was just shedding and it seem to be but its been closed up for a month now opening part way for a few days every ten days or so. All my sps, lps, shrooms and gsp are growing and have full polyp extension. I have tryed moveing it around in the tank with no great results, It is bigger then when i got it with more branches but stays drawed up. There is no slim rot or any signs of dieing except of staying closed up. I keep the tank at 78 and a 12 hour light cycle with 3 250 watt Phoenix 14k lamps 10in above the water all parameters are good 8.1 around 180 kh no detectable no2 or 3 and no algae to speak of in the tank so I would assume the test is right. Any suggestions would be great
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Updated 07-27-2011 at 04:13 PM by DJ in WV

NEED HELP STAT! , ‎ Questions - Need some input


  1. Blown76mav's Avatar
    My finger leather closes up for a few days at a time every 10- 15 days so it can shed. Each time when the polyps come back out its bigger and fuller. This is how they grow. I also started my single frag on the floor of the tank and until it grew about 2 -3 times its original size then I slowly moved it up towards the top of the tank.
  2. melev's Avatar
    Agreed. I'd leave it alone as long as it doesn't appear to be decaying and nothing is bothering it.