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You aren't your khakis

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Hello fellow Reef Addicts! My name is James and after a couple of weeks of reading others posts and listening to podcasts, I've decided to join in the fun!

I'm fairly proficient at the id of reef animals, but I guess I'll get to what you want to know, my reef!

I run a fairly normal 75 gallon system. Eight 54 watt t-5s, overflow box, yada yada.
I guess everyone thinks their reef is special or different from everyone elses, and no offense, but I find this to be not true. The same equipment I can understand, after all, if it works it works. "You're not your khakis"
Whats running your reef, in my mind, isn't as important as the reef itself. Your aquascaping, fish choice, corals, algaes, and on and on and on....
I guess what makes my tank different is my conscious deliberate decision to only keep soft corals in my tank. No sps, no names. The goal: make an amazing display using common corals and algae. The tank is a year old now, but I'll stop there for the night, with pictures to follow soon!
Thanks for reading!

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  1. jlemoine2's Avatar
    Out of curiousity, how did you cram 8 T5's over a 75 gallon tank? Post us some pictures of your setup, we all like pictures ;-)

  2. FlammySnake's Avatar
    It's a current usa nova extreme fixture. Honestly not my favorite company, but it gets the job done and has two fans so never gets super hot. Better than the 400 watt halide i had over my 65!
  3. Robb in Austin's Avatar
    The first rule of reefing is...

    Looking forward to pics too!
  4. a whiff of grapeshot's Avatar
    The first rule of reef club is, you do not talk about undergravel filters.
    The second rule of reef club is...
  5. matt_longview's Avatar
    First rule of reef club, don't talk about the price of reef club.
  6. melev's Avatar
    I like your goal. Let's see it happen.