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Name:	flatworms.jpg
Views:	767
Size:	139.2 KB
ID:	5540Hey guys!
A bit of help needed. I have some flatworm issues in my tank. They seem to mainly be living on my frogspawn, but there are a few stragglers roaming around on the glass, and even the carpet anenomies. I know a blue velvet midi is suppossed to feed on them, and that's been considered. But, im not sure the midi would go cruising around on the frogspawn, open brain, or carpet anens after them. I've done the whole sucker trick and gotten some, but they retreat down to the stems of the frogspawn where I can't get to them. Anybody have any other NATURAL means of taking care of them? I DO NOT want to add any chemicals to my tank. I love keeping everything natural. ANY input would be greatly apriciated! Thanks!

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Updated 06-29-2011 at 07:45 PM by melev

Questions - Need some input


  1. melev's Avatar
    Those are aeloids, a different kind of flatworm. What I would do is dip the coral in a pest solution for 10 minutes, peeling off what you can. Then put it back in your tank. You can siphon out any on the glass thereafter.
  2. mulebutter's Avatar
    Thanks! I have also heard you can dip the coral in a regular water for like 10 seconds to disrupt the worms and they should come right off. What about that idea? You heard of/ tried that one? Is this a common worm? Are they actually feeding on the coral? Guess I need to do more research. Lol
  3. Heathd's Avatar
    Freshwater dips are pretty harsh, even if for short periods of time. I would do that as a last ditch effort, since you will certainly stress or kill what you are trying to save.
  4. melev's Avatar
    I wouldn't dip it in freshwater. Get some Coral ReVive (by Two Little Fishies) and use that.

    These flatworms are eating the mucous off the corals in question. They are more an eyesore than anything, but can get WAY out of hand. Better to resolve it now before it gets worse.
  5. mulebutter's Avatar
    Ok, so NNNOOO freshwater.... and they are a nusiance. BUT, alot of people consider bristle worms as a nusciance where I see them as part of the" clean up crew". Just sayin. Im sorry, but I just wanna be sure about all the ins and outs before doin anything other than sucking them off the frogspawn. He's VERY happy today by the way. Lol. I so apriciate your guys' input so much! I love learning about this whole thong so much. My grandad always said... "learn something from the guys you work with every day... even if its something not to do.". Oh, and I think we have my brother about convinced to start a new reef tank. ( Its been years!)
  6. melev's Avatar
    Bristleworms aren't evil, but when they get big, they get hungry. They are always found around something dead, so often they get blamed for it only because of their proximity to the crime site.

    Be sure to check out the Critter ID section (linked on the front page) to answer your thoughts on a number of different items you may discover in your tank.