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Back to the reef

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I'm sure you've been wishing I would post some tank stuff again, and quit with the Swiss stuff, but the beauty of this being my blog is that I can talk about whatever I like as much as I like. hehehe

Still, for today here's more eye candy from my reef.

These are all new frags that I put in my Frag Tank. The first is a Blasto with some Cyphastrea near the lower right base.

Candy cane

Taken under 14,000K LED lighting, a piece of Leng Sy montipora sp. It's bluish green with a purple rim, but under 6500K lighting it wasn't much to photograph, so the blues were turned on.

This is a blue tipped staghorn coral that I left in my medicated QT too long. It lost a lot of brown coloration, but it made more blue appear. I'm just watching it for now to see how it fares.

I'm on the hunt for a couple more birdsnest corals, but here are the five I have:

The Orange Blob died in my temporary holding tank, but five frags have been doing their thing since February. Again, it just blobs out instead of the swirling plates one comes to associate with Montipora capricornis. I guess mine isn't a capricornis at all.

A small Cowrie working between the LPS and some Ricordea.

The ORA Red Planet seems shut down at all times. I don't get it.

A. loripes - looking better every day, budding new branches to my delight.

Eye candy.

Green slimer, puddling and growing outwards.

A nice mixture of LPS

A little further away.

The purple core of the Gorgonian I brought home from Florida. It's doing very well.

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Tank Entry , ‎ New Additions , ‎ Photography/Video


  1. Hat39406's Avatar
    Everything looks awesome Marc! I especially like the Candy Canes and the Gorgonian, very nice.
  2. melev's Avatar
  3. Mostly Rock's Avatar
    I like that the ones I have too look very similar, and I want the ones that I don't have. I just need a few more hundred gallons of living space to contain all that I desire... like 1.6 million more gallons.
  4. rick12's Avatar
    such nice pics. thanks.
    Cyphastrea is my new fav. so many different colours to grow in a system.
  5. maroun.c's Avatar
    Looking good Marc.
    Always nice to be able to add coralsi n mass to the tank while it's new before it fills up