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Tank Update & Growth Pics

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I've got some traces of GHA going on in my tank right now. I've dialed back the lights, knocked my feeding back and lessened my bioload. The main bioload drop was the Dendro. I loved that thing, but the bioload was just too much for this small of a tank. The GHA is not taking over at all, just has a few spots here and there. The lawnmower blenny is chowing down on it too! I'll give it a few weeks and see if my current CUC is enough to take care of it, if not I'll pick up a mexican turbo snail and a couple of other turbos pretty soon. I've only removed it by hand once, and if it starts looking like it's winning the battle I'll buckle down and really try and get rid of it. Doesn't bother me too much though, I'd rather have GHA that CUC eats than cyano that they don't touch... and since the GHA started up the cyano is completely gone!

Good news... everything looks great. The Linkia Star is awesome, as is the lawnmower blenny. New Pajama Cardinal is a little skiddish still, but he's only been in for 4 days. On with the eye candy!

I love my new lawnmower blenny! Such a great personality.

New Pajama Cardinal still isn't quite sure what to think of the tank. I think in the pic you can actually see the red gills stress sign, but they went away tonight after I fed.

Clownin Around... they always jump in front of my camera when I'm snapping pics. :-)

Jade SPS - Cool piece. A darker green than every other green coral in my tank, and these great polyps.

Pink Milli - I love this thing. It's growing very quick. Encrusting more each day it seems. Finally have some great long polyp extension at night. :-)

Can't go wrong taking a pic of this maxi mini. :-)

Green & Purple Hammer - Birthday Present from my reef buddy. You can't go wrong with local forums! ;-)

Pink Paly's? Yes please... They're coloring up more and more every day, and they glow under the blues.

Growth Shots Time!

Duncan Coral - This thing has TAKEN OFF. Heads are growing on this thing anywhere they can possibly grow. It is on the sand bed (medium light under this LED fixture) and gets spot fed mysis/brine once every week or so.

March 4th

Tonight - 3 & 1/2 months growth

Sour Apple Birdsnest - Quick grower. Seemed to acclimate quickly and is constantly splitting and growing.

March 4th

Tonight - 3 & 1/2 Months Growth

GARF Bonsai Acro - Love this thing! Looks fantastic and is encrusting very quickly.

April 9th

Tonight - 2 Months & 1.5 weeks growth

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Updated 06-28-2011 at 01:55 PM by matt_longview

Tank Entry , ‎ New Additions , ‎ Photography/Video


  1. Hat39406's Avatar
    Wow Matt, looking great! Awesome growth too on everything. Them duncans has really multiplied. Keep up the good work!
  2. cyano's Avatar
    looks good, do you have any full tank shots so we can put everything in perspective yet?
  3. matt_longview's Avatar
    Thanks Hat and Cyano. I didn't break out the tripod for the shots yesterday, so I didn't get a FTS. I actually just grabbed the camera because my coral banded shrimp walked across my duncan and I saw all those new heads! lol. :-)

    Here's a FTS from earlier this month.
  4. snorkeler's Avatar
    Nice growth! On the GHA probably reducing the food you give will be the killer.
  5. matt_longview's Avatar
    Yeah. Can't grow without nutrients! Thats why I got rid of the dendro. It was fantastic. I really lived it, but I had to feed out every single day... and it would eat a lot! I would feed it half a piece of krill and it was just 1 head. It was doing really well, so it had 5 more heads forming and I thought oh no.... I can't keep feeding like this in this small of a tank! That and getting rid of the mandarin dragonet were big parts of reducing the bioload. The gha is not taking over, it seems to be staying where it is... so as long as it is controllable I'm not going to do anything dramatic. :-)