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TH3C1SC0K1D's Water Quality Test.

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Water Quality Log

I thought I would keep an active log to share with everyone concerning my water quality test. It will be updated weekly. The water changes that I conduct are minuscule (approximately 0.25 gallon per week). I personally don't agree with extremely large water changes because I feel that just when you have all your parameters correct then BAM water change throws everything off. This is just my thinking.

Aquarium Water Quality Testing Results.
Date: Saturday, June 18, 2011
  1. Ammonia (Recommended Range: 0ppm): 0ppm
  2. Nitrite (Recommended Range: 0ppm): 0ppm
  3. Nitrate (Recommended Range: 0ppm): 20ppm (This reading was 40ppm last week and is most likely due to the fact that my aquarium is still cycling the live rock.)
  4. pH (Recommended Range: 8.2pH - 8.4pH): 7.8pH (This reading is most likely due to the fact that my aquarium is still cycling the live rock.)
  5. Alkalinity (Recommended Range: 8dKH - 12 dKH): 9dKH
  6. Calcium (Recommended Range: 400ppm - 500ppm): 440ppm
  7. Phosphate (Recommended Range: 0 ppm): 0.5ppm (This reading was 2ppm last week so I am going to attribute this to the Microbacter7 & Reef BioFuel Dosing.)

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Tank Entry , ‎ Water Chemistry


  1. cyano's Avatar
    the biggest reason people do water changes is to eliminate the nitrates in the water since it is the final process in the ammonia/nitrite/nitrate cycle but if all parameters stay within check and nitrates stay low you are correct you don't necessarily need a big water change if any, but a good salt mix and the right size water change will also replenish your parameters and eliminates the need for dosing (aside from heavy sps and lps tanks that have to dose calcium) just my take on it