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Hey i was thinking about buying your R.O system whats the difference between yours and some of the other ones?

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  1. melev's Avatar
    Hi, Mouse. It's a well built system made in America, build with sturdy parts. Mine is a 5-stage system that allows you to make drinking water as well as water for your aquarium. It uses industry standard parts, so it is not proprietary: in other words you aren't buying a system from me that leaves you stuck if you end up needing parts. Of course, I'm not going anywhere and will be happy to provide any parts necessary down the line if the need arises.
  2. MouseHouse's Avatar
    Thanks melev i really appreciate it
  3. melev's Avatar
    I hope that helped.
  4. MouseHouse's Avatar
    Do you think i will need to test the water after i used are R.O and how does that work
  5. melev's Avatar
    Once the water has been collected, it is ready as top off to replace evaporated water (daily). It also is ready to mix with marine salt for water changes. You don't have to add anything other than the salt mix.