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clownfish are starting to get a little out of hand...

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Well as some of you may remember I recently posted on how my ocellaris female was starting to ravage my hands, well it seems to be progressively moving towards me and my poor yellow tail damsel as they are now keeping it isolated to it's own little area and do not allow any other fish in half of the 75 gallon except for the small clown goby. I write because I am considering taking my ocellaris pair that I have had for over a year in to trade them for a new pair I believe that I have given them a good home and would hate to do that but I can't allow them to threaten the other peaceful inhabitants nor do I have the money to give them their own species only tank.

any ideas on the subject would be greatly appreciated and I am still leaning more towards keeping them but IF I was to get a new clown (single or pair) should I go back with ocellaris (was looking at black) or a different species of clown? I was looking at the whores of the clown world with the clarkii so it would take to the anemone but I also don't want to ditch a "peaceful" clown that terrorizes my tank for a "semi-aggressive" clown that mutilates my tank (though since mine is considered peaceful I hate to see anything more temperamental than that in my tank) open to any and all suggestions, just trying to weigh my options here and hopefully just do whats best for my tank (though if it comes down to them killing inhabitants they will go no questions asked)

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  1. Convict27's Avatar
    So were the clowns the first thing that you had in your tank? If so then maybe try moving your rockwork around and confusing the little buggers. I know that the thought of moving your rockwork around is not always an enjoyable task especially if you like it the way it is currently set up. If you are like me, I am always staring at my tank contemplating how to make it more aesthetically pleasing but never want to move anything, then now is your chance. That may make them settle down a bit.
  2. cyano's Avatar
    they were the first thing added but the tank has been rearranged several time over the last year, and the last time anything new was added was about 6 months ago, the female clown has been with the yellowtail for over a year, so at this point I am not looking at rearranging since it was just done about 3 months ago
  3. cyano's Avatar
    here is a new question along the same lines, I am considering removing a lot of my zoas that my clowns sleep in and moving my anemone's rock to that side of the tank (hoping that will eliminate some of the aggression) and before I do anything with my zoas i am curious as too what will win the fight the zoas or the BTA? if the bta will kill them off I won't wory about removing zoas, ut if they will/can damage it's stalk or foot I will remove the fast growing ones and leave the slow growers and move the BTA to where they used to be
  4. matt_longview's Avatar
    I would think as long as the BTA has a clean base and the tentacles can do the fighting... it should easily win out. Good luck! :-)