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6 Month Macro Pics & FTS

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All under Blue LEDs only. I started too late after the white's already went off.


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Updated 06-28-2011 at 01:56 PM by matt_longview

Tank Entry , ‎ Photography/Video


  1. Hat39406's Avatar
    Hey Matt, your tank is looking beautiful! The corals look like they are growing out nicely.
  2. matt_longview's Avatar
    Thanks Hat! I keep wondering if I've got good growth or not. This is my first tank so I've got nothing to compare against.
  3. MonKei's Avatar
    Matt, tank is looking =) I really like your macro shots. I agree with Hat, definitely seeing some growth in there!
    Keep it up!
  4. pepper'scove's Avatar
    Awesome, I really like the birdsnest coral. It's one of my favorite types of coral. I hope I can get some when I get my new 75 up and ready. I'm a noob so take it or leave it, but great job man!
  5. matt_longview's Avatar
    Thanks peppers,

    I'm a noob too. ;-) This is my first tank and it's only six months old (however, I moved the live rock and water from a 2 year established system 5 minutes up the road). From one noob to another... read LOTS and ask LOTS of questions! :-) Good luck!