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Posting photos

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I seem to be having troubles to post pictures from my computer to Reef Addicts. How do you find the url? I posted some pictures on my profile and now I can't figure out how I did it. Thanks Kitch40

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Updated 06-03-2011 at 06:23 PM by melev

Questions - Need some input


  1. melev's Avatar
    You have a couple of options. First thing though, you should resize your images to something that fits a computer screen that isn't a massive download for everyone to view, like everyone does with their Smart Phones for example. You take a picture with your 12 megapixel camera that is 5 megs, but we don't want to download a 5 meg image to see it. It's actually much too big to view anyway. Your computer or email program simply squeezes it down to size so you can view it, but it is big so as to be printable. No-one viewing your posts will or ever should print your images with your permission, right?

    So you can resize it with a program you own, or use an online free service to do so. Here are two:

    Depending on the browser you use, you may have the option to "browse" to your harddrive and select a picture or you may have to paste in the URL where it is currently hosting, like Photobucket (which is free).

    You can upload images to your Gallery area here, and then share them from that location by pasting the URL of that image in your blog entry.