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Apex display

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After last nights horrible storm that produced a 3 minute surge followed by an outage, my Apex display is no longer working. It is lit up and the controller is working as far as I can tell. However, the display is blank. I tried power cycling it a few times trough out the day and have not had any luck. Anyone have a similar experience that has found a fix? I lost a large tree last night and had to take a day off of work to clear the road, so I am hoping that I won't have to buy a new one.

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  1. DJ in WV's Avatar
    last night lost cable modem,HD box,router,vonage modem, surround sound,2 tvs didnt get my tank thankfully. Id say its fried
  2. jlemoine2's Avatar
    I'm assuming you have it plugged into an EB 8 or 4. Do you have any other aquabus (USB) modules plugged into the same power strip? If so, do they work okay? If you have another power strip, you may want to try plugging your display into that to see if it might work there... perhaps just the aquabus outlets on the power strip are fried.

    One would think that if the outlets have protection from surges, the aquabus devices should have some protection as well. I have a few different devices on the aquabus, I'd be pissed if they all fried due to one surge.

    Maybe Neptune will have some sort of warranty for this sort of thing....
  3. twomonsters's Avatar
    Its probably shot, but I had a storm once and the screen looked crazy, but I could see the letters and numbers. It turned out all I needed to do is adjust the contrast. It was strange never messed with the contrast.
  4. stangchris's Avatar
    have you tried reloading your firmware, should be a module status that shows is display model is"ok" and not "OLD". if old you need to upgrade display module, should come back on after reboot
  5. Midnight's Avatar
    Thank you for your input.When i get home i will see if any of those suggestions work...I haven't had time to contact Neptune yet as our neighborhood's power is back on but hte cable/internet is still out
  6. Midnight's Avatar
    I upgraded firmware and crashed the whole thing, then reran the firmware update again and got all of it working again. thanks again for all of your input.