Biospheres - NP pellets
, 09-06-2011 at 01:54 AM (7627 Views)
Coralvue sent me out some of the Biospheres NP pellets to try out on my tank. I've held off for a bit to make sure my tank was stable and in a good position to switch from the Vertex biopellets I've been running since early February.
This bag holds 1 liter of biopellets.
The biospheres are packed in a ziplock sealed bag within the main packaging that also can be resealed.
The instructions are simple to follow.
As you can see, they are small rounded orbs, or spheres.
I soaked them in RO/DI water overnight prior to use.
Here's some eggcrate to give you a sense of scale. The squares are 1/2" x 1/2".
To pour these into a NextReef SMR-XL reactor, I put a shotglass over the riser tube.
A canning funnel helps pour the media into the reactor. What I did (not pictured) is pour some of the Biospheres into a fishnet to drain off the water, and then transfer the pellets into reactor via the funnel.
A view of the Biosphere's in the reactor, prior to installing the upper perforated plate and lid.
This reactor can hold 2 liters of solid media.
Since I need to seed the Biospheres for about two weeks, I ran it daisy-chained after the Vertex NP reactor.
The difference between the two: the Vertex pellets are tumbling, but the Biospheres are hardly moving at all.
After two weeks, I'll take Reactor 1 offline and see how the Biospheres do over the next couple of months. Once I know more, I'll be able to do a product review.