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May Full tank shot

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So since the first of the year I have not been able to do too much. In February I moved all the sump and other filtration to the garage as we finally installed the AC unit in there. I have added a few corals here and there and got a calcium reactor online. This Month I finally got around to hanging the light fixture which has made the reef look a whole lot better and has created easier access to work within the tank. I also yanked out some rock and re aquascaped which still has the fishies hiding a lot, but has made the tank look better and created more flow through the reef. So here are a few pics taken with my wifes Droid X:

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  1. melev's Avatar
    I'm waiting for you to post a picture of that conch coming out of the shell to attack the tank like Godzilla.

    Now that you are tidying it up, here's a couple suggestions for you: 1) Scrape the coralline off the back of the tank. That will seed the liverock with bits of coralline to grow on it instead. Your corals will pop against the black background. 2) Run a plastic spatula or rubber scraper between the sand and the walls of the tank to take that algae away. You will end up exposing pretty white sand again, and give your tank a cleaner look immediately.

    I'm seeing a lot of yellow in your tank. It would be nice to add some other colors, like green and blue. Blue Tort, Green Slimer, Pocillopora comes in bright green or bright pink... A tiny blue hippo would look nice in there. I'm not suggesting reds and purples because coralline tends to be those colors but to add some variety of color, that would be nice.

    That mirror behind your tank may start to deteriorate, primarily right at the bottom where salt can get to the foil material. Make sure to keep that area clean and maintain a seal with caulk or silicone to prevent damage.

    The light fixture looks good and those YoYos are useful when you need room to work.

    Is the front of your tank supported?
  2. Heathd's Avatar
    For scraping the coraline off, you might want to try plastic razor blades. Back when I detailed cars on the side, I would use them to get concrete off of a customers car, along with a special spray...

    Anyways, they did a good job and kept the paint marring down to a minimum, might be worth trying out.
  3. Midnight's Avatar
    Marc if you look at this pic you can see the actual support structure:

    the up right walls go all the way from the front and back. Eventually a carpenter buddy of mine is supposed to come wrap the stand in a pretty finish.

    I guess I can scrape the coraline off the glass, however I think the rock is covered in a light green coraline.
  4. Midnight's Avatar
    Oh, and if they hadn't have glue the damn mirror to the wall I would have taken it down.
  5. Midnight's Avatar
    Now that I am looking at it, the GBTA, toadstool, favia, and some zoas are green. They just aren't showing up right. But I will scrape the bottom edge and the back since I was giving you a hard time about your sump.
  6. melev's Avatar
    I'm glad the front isn't floating. That's what I thought initially.

    And if the tank has diversity of color, that's perfect. It just appeared to be leaning to one color primarily.

    Good call on the scraper, Heath. I use credit cards myself.

    I bet you'll never talk about my sump's dirtiness again.
  7. Hat39406's Avatar
    It does look good Midnight! I like the new rockwork. Add a few more colors and it will really pop.