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Snorkeler's Cube

Preparing food with fresh seafood, Cyclop-eeze and nori

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Today it was 'cooking for my fishies' time :-)

Last week I bought a fresh seafood pack at the market then froze it for a few days to kill pathogens. I unfroze it in the fridge from yesterday to today, and tonight ground it to a paste with some Cyclop-eeze, nori and some gelatin.

Pictures of the 'cooking':

My kid helping me press it into a thin sheet for freezing:

We gave the fish a little to see their reaction.... they weren't too enthusiastic for the first minute but then we gradully saw all of them eating it so I guess they liked it. Gotta watch the skimer and nitrates now to see if the portion we gave (small but maybe too much, roughly 1/8 tsp) will affect water quality.


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  1. dahenley's Avatar
    Was the wine "Red" or "White"

    (a local group do this, and they press the food in a cookie sheet with a section of egg crate on it. then after its frozen, they rack it like an ice tray and pop the cubes out. then its ready to feed and you get a even feed every time. Just a thought)
  2. snorkeler's Avatar
    Wine was red, but only the head chef got a sip, fishies all under 18 :-D (no wine for the little sous chef either :-) but I think he'd be more interested in chocolate milk than wine:-D )

    That sounds like a good idea! I thought about using a mini ice cube tray but couldn't find one in the supermarket's plastics section. They sometimes carry one that makes very small ice cubes.
  3. melev's Avatar
    Great blog post. Thanks for sharing your experience with us.