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Help us name our son!

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I know, the title sounds odd. My wife and I have our second son due soon. I am trying to think of a name to reflect my passion for the ocean, reefkeeping, corals etc. that doesn't sound like I names him at Woodstock. I would like a name derived from or meaning something from this realm. The only name I have found I like is Kai, Hawaiian for 'of the sea', however my last name is VERY French (D'Aunoy). Not sure how the two would flow. For the record my wife is Irish/Scandanavian and I am a predominately Creole American mutt, if that helps inspire!!
Thanks for your input!

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  1. Hat39406's Avatar
    Congrats to you and your wife! Marc D' Aunoy - Now that's very reefkeepimg and the name look and sound French.
  2. partman1969's Avatar
    Be careful with the name Kai as I believe it is mostly interpreted as short for the feminine name Kaiolani a former princess of the Hawaiian Islands. A pretty name but just be cautious as others might tease, even though your not supposed to mess with the boy named Sue. (Johnny Cash)
  3. Blown76mav's Avatar
    Nemo D'Aunoy
  4. partman1969's Avatar
    Maybe Jacques D'Aunoy as in reference to one of the pioneers of underwater exploration, and also of proud French ancestry. (Jacques Cousteau)
  5. melev's Avatar
    Kai D'Aunoy sounds like hebrew to me.

    melev d'aunoy doesn't. hehe
  6. melev's Avatar
    Neomeris D'Aunoy sounds fun, and surely isn't taken.
  7. dread240's Avatar
    that sounds like he's from the matrix
  8. JABlacher's Avatar
    Hermit.......Hermit Crab.
  9. Jessy's Avatar
    I love the name Kai. It's short for Malachi (not at all a girls name) and two of my very good guy friends are named that. (again I love it )
    Have you thought of Jonah? Or what about Jack like cap't jack sparrow. (ok i may be in vegas and I MAY be drunk...more to follow)
  10. melev's Avatar
    Coral D'Aunoy could be pretty.
  11. evoracer's Avatar
    Thanks, well, sort of, for the responses (lol). My wife is a HUGE Johnny Depp fan and actually suggested Jack for our first son. Swearing it had nothing to do with Pirates, but knowing she would catch crap for ever if we named him that!
    And I believe the Hawaiian princess was Kapiolani.
  12. melev's Avatar
    Whoops, got off track on this one. It's a boy.... How about Rocky D'Aunoy?