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Snorkeler's Cube

Neon Goby M.I.A. .....

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That nice little neon goby who just joined the DT is missing in action... he was last seen on Wednesday, by my wife, who saw him dart upwards followed by the sound of splashing water...

The tank is covered so it isn't possible to jump out, but he might have jumped into the central overflow column. Today I tried opening completely the overflow valve to empty it and force him out, but he didn't appear in the sump.... so, I'm afraid he might have died and was already eaten up by his tankmates....

If he is gone, my guess is that the six-line wrasse was bullying him, specially since I haven't been overfeeding the tank, so food is a little scarce.

Anyway, I've read stories of gobies who disappeared then reappeared many months or even years later, so maybe all hope isn't lost... could he be hiding in the rockwork, afraid of Mr. Six?

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  1. matt_longview's Avatar
    I have a 29g with very little rockwork to hide in... and yet I rarely see my little goby. I have gone several days without seeing him... and that's in a little tank! When I first got him when I wouldn't see him for several days I would assume he was dead, but now... I know it's pretty common. :-)

    Hopefully yours is hiding as well.
  2. snorkeler's Avatar
    That's encouraging Matt!! I hope he is really hiding in there.

    Today I decided to prepare food with fresh ingredients for the tank for the first time, bought a Paella mix at the supermarket and intend to mix it all up with Cyclop-eeze and gelatin then freeze it.

    Hopefully when I start using this mix everyone will be better fed in the tank, and fights for food will reduce.

  3. snorkeler's Avatar

    More or less 15min after white lights off (when normally Mr. Six goes to sleep) I saw a small shadow swimming in the corner of my eye, we (my son and I) went to look closer and there he was swimming!


    Wow, what a relief.... :-)
  4. matt_longview's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by snorkeler

    More or less 15min after white lights off (when normally Mr. Six goes to sleep) I saw a small shadow swimming in the corner of my eye, we (my son and I) went to look closer and there he was swimming!


    Wow, what a relief.... :-)
    Great! Mine appears to be more active after the primaries go off as well. Enjoy them, mine has quite the personality... most people who find him like him the most out of everyone in my tank.