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Full LED Lighting Video

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Had to choose this music... made me think of Braveheart! This video is with all of the LEDs on... the 14k look. I didn't film this one, thanks dad! Great shots of my fish moving throughout the tank. They love swimming through the holes in the rocks. My mandarin is starting to look a little bit skinnier I think... maybe it's just my paranoia. If it gets too skinny... off to my friend's 200g it goes. I'm trying to decide if I want to start a brine shrimp hatchery for it, or just move it out to a better home and pick up a bangaii cardinal. Enjoy the video!! Blue only LED vid coming soon. If you want to see future tank updates make sure you subscribe! 10 Gallon Office Nano coming soon!

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  1. Tank2379's Avatar
    Where did you get the LED's from?
  2. matt_longview's Avatar - mine is the 120w 14k fixture. I also have the 24 led moonlight.