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Day 68: The latest changes

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After having my new fish in quarantine for 10 days with no sign of illness, I decided it was best to move them into my reef tonight. During the QT period, one Chromis died early on, and yesterday one of the Helfrichi firefish was found dead and tattered. Since I'm about to fly out to Florida to speak to a club there, I didn't want to risk it with all those fish in a small water volume and no-one to change the water daily. All the fish were quick to eat at every feeding session, so they can hold their own during the feeding frenzy in my 400g reef. I fed both the reef and the fish in quarantine, then did one last 50% water change to match water temperature, then all of them were netted out of QT and added to the reef. Crown Royal, the purple tang, was quite adamant that the newcomers wouldn't feel welcome, but she calmed down after a while.

The new frag tank is now ready to plumb in. It has a small internal overflow with its own Durso Standpipe. It'll be running by next week.

Last night at our club meeting, I picked up a dual pump for my future daily automatic water changes. I hope to have it installed soon. It was the key element, and now I have to find a few more pieces to get that assembled and tied in. Once that happens, I'll never have to pick up a bucket of water again.

Of course, with all these new additions and changes, I'll be taking and posting tons of pictures. Coming soon.

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  1. Reeftankjunkie's Avatar
    And hopefully, leave more time for podcasts.
  2. Hat39406's Avatar
    Nice Marc! Yes would love to see a FTS with all the fish swimming around.
  3. Jnarowe's Avatar
    Are you releasing after lights out Marc? That seems to work the best for me.
  4. melev's Avatar
    Adding those fish added some activity to the upper level of the reef. The filefish is too cute.
  5. David W's Avatar
    Where did you get your fish from? They looked really good in your qt pics and also jessys pics.