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What controller to get

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Ok all need some input on controllers and any would be apericated. So far i have looked at Neptune systems and DA reefkeepers' and i am leaning towards the Neptune systems. I am open to used options as well because price will also be a factor so if there is an older model that is worth getting feel free to mention that as well. Here is a list of things i am considering.

1. PH monitor as i do not have one yet and preferably with the option of controlling a reactor down the road.
2. Power Head control so that i can create a more random current
3. Web page/computer interface (not needed but i love the idea of it and i have network access in my fish room)
4. If a webpage interface is possible i may be able to live with out a interface component.
5. lighting control for T5 right now and LED down the road.
6. Simple feeding settings to turn off pumps
7. Temperature control

There are probably more options i can get down the road but these are the things i am most concerned with at this time. Thanks all

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  1. melev's Avatar
    I would suggest the Aquacontroller 3 for all the above, or the newer Apex. You may find AC3's for sale since people upgrade.
  2. Mustang's Avatar
    So you would not say that the Apex is not worth paying the extra over a used AC3?
  3. melev's Avatar
    No, not at all. Either will do what you want, based on the list above.
  4. Midnight's Avatar
    The apex is sexy. I switched from the reefkeeper lite, I know they are apples and oranges but the base package for the apex gave me all the upgrades I wanted for the RKL for cheaper. Now I am using the RKL for the QT tank and will use it for the frag tank if I ever set one up. If you want to use the apex for a calcium reactor and want to monitor the display's ph this will require a second probe and a module. I am really confused that Marc did not upgrade to the apex since it is black.
  5. melev's Avatar
    Hehe. I just haven't done it YET.
  6. marks69's Avatar
    i'm using the reefkeeper elite and have no complaints. everything you want to do is there, plus you can add on alot of extra stuff in the future.
  7. kayl's Avatar
    I love my Apex and recommend it with no reservations
  8. Mccoy85's Avatar
    I had a reef keeper lite and when I upgraded my tank I bought an elite. In hindsight I wish I would have gotten the apex. I feel like digital aquatics has been making promises that never seem to come to fruition. In my opinion Neptune systems has everything that you could want or need and there is no need to wait for it. That being said, I have had no real issues with my reef keeper and it gets the job done.
  9. Mustang's Avatar
    Thanks all for your input. I have spotted a used Apex and AC3 so i am going to see if i can pick one of them up. Will let you know it i get one.