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New Corals! (I'm full!!!)

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The new stuff is in. Everyone is attached and in place. The pictures never can do these corals justice... but I'll try!

Mini-Maxi Anemone, Open Brain Coral, Reverse Sunset Montipora, Derasa Clam, Torch Coral are from

Pink Millepora, Garf Bonsai Acro and Lord of the Rings Zoas are from acro on dfwmas

Here comes the eye candy...

Flamethrower Mini-Maxi Anemone

Pink Millepora

Reverse Sunset Montipora - Looks so much better in person

Garf Bonsai Acro

Derasa Clam

Open Brain Coral - I've got him under the rock right now, will slowly acclimate him to the lighting.

Lord of the Rings Zoas - So much better in person...

Purple and Gold Torch Coral - In person this thing is so much more colorful, LA Lakers jersey colors yellow and purple. At the time this had only been in the tank for 20 or 30 minutes and was not fully open. It's looking amazing now! :-)

Full Tank Shot

Mini-Maxi Under Blue LEDs

Lord of the Rings Zoas Under Blue LEDs

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  1. 1AaronTravels's Avatar
    Wowza!!! Looks Great!!!
  2. matt_longview's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by 1AaronTravels
    Wowza!!! Looks Great!!!
    Thanks! :-)

    Now the hard part. Keep everything perfect for the rest of my life! lol.
  3. Heathd's Avatar
    Was that the maxi-mini from the frag swap? I had my eye on the only one I saw there and when I came to get it, it was gone
  4. melev's Avatar
    You've got plenty of room. hehe

    Looking forward to seeing everything grow in.
  5. matt_longview's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Heathd
    Was that the maxi-mini from the frag swap? I had my eye on the only one I saw there and when I came to get it, it was gone
    Nope. Wasn't able to get to the frag swap. Got it from and they've got plenty more.

    Quote Originally Posted by melev
    You've got plenty of room. hehe

    Looking forward to seeing everything grow in.
    Me too! Can't wait to see what everything looks like 6 months from now. :-)