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Suggestings on making a Metal Halide for my 75 gal.

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I have been looking pretty heavily at making my own lighting for a new 75 gallon tank I just got. I'm debating whether to make an LED fixture or use MH lamps. I am wondering what the light output need would be for a standard sized 75 gallon (I realize LED and MH are different so whichever you guys know more about, please fill me in!). I would like to ensure that I can care for SPS corals adequately (the tank is 21" deep). Also, I am planning on hanging them 6 - 8 inches above the tank if I do MH, unless you guys think differently, and I'm thinking maybe 3-4 inches for an LED light. Suggestions!

Specifically I would like wattage and spectrum suggestions as well as suggestions on combination with flourescents for MH. For LEDs just throw everything you have at me.

I will be building a canopy to go over the tank (I built the stand, finished except for trimming it, and someday when I'm not so lazy I'll do a write up on that with LOTS of pictures, diagrams, 3D models, even a cut list!!) so height doesn't have any limitations and width and length are only limited by the dimensions of the tank - 48" long by 18" wide.

I appreciate everyone's input!

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  1. melev's Avatar
    For a 75g, two 250w MH would be my choice, with them at 12" off the water. 10,000K encourages growth, 14,000K is prettier, 20,000K is very blue and growth is very very slow.

    You could use 175w bulbs but the choices are better with 250w, and if you ever upgrade your 250w will still work out.

    Here's some general reading:
  2. baker.shawn's Avatar
    have a look at my LED build you may want to consider something similar but maybe with 48LEDs on 2 6x16 heatsinks