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News feed and Twitter?

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Hey all. Looking for some good blogs and news items for my news readers. Anyone want to share their favorite RSS feeds?

Also, anyone on Twitter? Seems the only people I can find are just businesses that rarely want to talk about trends and opinions, and advertise.


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  1. DJ in WV's Avatar
    Im still trying to get use to facebook is twitter any better? Hope your build going well man
  2. Neelixx's Avatar
    Twitter is just different. I use Facebook for my friends and family. But I have a Twitter account for my personal/hobby stuff and one for my professional stuff. I just like it because it's sleek and simple. Keeps me "in the know" without reading pages of news articles. Plus, don't have to know someone to follow them.

    As far as the build goes, it's been delayed. I was expecting my funds for it to have come in by now...... But, that just gives me more time to fantasize and tweak my designs, which is fun too.

    My fantasies have gone so far as to create my own "Open Source" version of the Apex for others to use (except for the probes, obviously). No doubt, that too shall pass. I'm a thinker. Can ya tell?? ((grin))
  3. melev's Avatar
    I'm not a good person to help with this one. The way I use Twitter isn't like the rest of the planet obviously. I think it is a great way to let your customer base know what you are offering, so I sometimes 'advertise' a product via Twitter. Usually I just update all the followers with the latest blog entry here on ReefAddicts.

    I don't use RSS, mostly because I don't have a lot of time to follow news stories. I check the headlines of my delivered paper each day, and catch some news on tv. If something major is going on, CNN may run on my tv for a few days. Occasionally I'll log onto Google's News page, or MSN.

    So if you find a good selection or even a decent tutorial to show me / us why we need it, I'd check it out.