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A few choice pictures

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I took a number of macro shots recently.

This M. digitata has already started growing out nicely.
Name:  digitata-1.jpg
Views: 1645
Size:  88.5 KB

This deepwater acro has striking coloration.
Name:  deepwater_acro-1.jpg
Views: 1697
Size:  131.6 KB

This A. tortuosa has a few burnt tips because alkalinity crept up again. Tough to dial in what my tank needs because there aren't a ton of corals to absorb it like previously.
Name:  tort-1.jpg
Views: 1627
Size:  87.9 KB

Here are three shots at dusk that I liked. First, this Mystery Wrasse.
Name:  dusk_mystery_wrasse-1.jpg
Views: 520
Size:  100.3 KB

My tumbleweed Frogspawn
Name:  dusk_shots-2.jpg
Views: 512
Size:  86.9 KB

And I like how the gorgonian is just doing its thing.
Name:  dusk_shots-3.jpg
Views: 510
Size:  64.4 KB

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  1. Tempset's Avatar
    M, what's happened to the podcast? Nice macro shots btw.
  2. melev's Avatar
    It's been on my mind a lot, trust me. Just have to get some time to do them - I've been bouncing around various ways that I can do them more regularly... I really dropped the ball with some major life issues going on.
  3. gist41980's Avatar
    eh, take care of the major life issues first, podcasts can wait
  4. matt_longview's Avatar
    My digitata is growing very quickly also. I like them... unique growth patterns as well. :-)
  5. reefocd's Avatar
    Fascinating. Having zero knowledge on this subject, I think of acidic (Low Alk) would cause burnt tips? Please share your thoughts on how ALK going up (less acidic more alkaline) causes burnt tips. This is going to be helpful as I get more into SPS. BTW, what is your target DKH value for the Monster tank?
  6. melev's Avatar
    Since I'm running the biopellets, often called NP pellets, I was forewarned to keep alkalinity closer to 8 dKH. My calcium reactor seems to prefer to provide 10 dKH which is what I'm seeing.

    I just did all my water tests tonight, and the numbers look great. I'll post these up in a bit.
  7. pepper'scove's Avatar
    I just recently read an article in CORAL on the probiotic method that some are now suggesting is the way of the future. I'm REALLY excited about this trend now that I feel like I have a grasp of what the method is actually trying to accomplish! I had never even realized that Vodka/vineagar/glucose(grape sugar) dosing was kind of the same thing. Of course CORAL explains that the other half if using some kind of media (like aragonite) in a media reactor to help propogate more biofilms.

    I recently aquired a used pre-drilled 75 gallon tank (for $75!!!) and am planning to rebuild my previous sump (GE Silicone II caused some issues...). I really wish someone on here would do a write-up on the biomedia that they were using, the reactor, and their impressions on the probiotics method overall. I'm even more excited about this method now that I know Marc is using it! There's got to be something to it for sure!!
  8. melev's Avatar
    The Nitrate Phosphate (NP) bio-pellets have been around for about a year, maybe less. In 2010, people started talking about the ones from German (Vertex), since they were the only thing we could get.

    Zeovit and Prodibio have been around for a few years now. Polyp Labs in Canada started up a line of probiotics, and I believe Warner Marine did as well. Many years ago, amino acids were available from companies like Salifert, but it was impossible to prove if they did work or not. It was a 50/50 thing - you loved it or you hated it. Vodka dosing has been around for a few years, and some even combined that with vinegar and sugar (VSV dosing).

    Like anything, we as individuals need to consider what our reef can handle and how we go about trying something out. I was reading a thread on Reef2Reef that talked about dosing your tank with Hydrogen Peroxide to get rid of dinoflagellates. The problem is that others read it and thing it will work for their problems, such as the mundane and harmless diatoms on the sand. Or people will dose a ton of Magnesium (and not even the right one) to get rid of hair algae, because they read in some thread about how it helped kill Bryopsis - a totally different algae.

    So give it some time, and people like myself can learn more about our own personal experiences and then share those results with you once we have a few facts under our collective belts.