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DIY Calcium questions

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The plan: 22in tall 6in diameter single chamber reactor(can add second chamber later if wanted.) The reactor has to be leak proof or I will have to add onto my sump which does not have space for it. I will use a mag 7 or 9 pump for recirculation and come off of my return for feed water(may use a small power head.) It will have a probe port on the reactor and a bubble counter.

Few questions:

what do I make the probe holder out of?

I have seen other diy reactors and they appear to use threaded pvc connectors into the acrylic tube. No uni-seals or bulkheads?

can you tap the holes in acrylic for fittings and such?

Any input is appreciated.

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  1. melev's Avatar
    Uniseals are best for plumbing into a reactor. You can glue PVC fittings to the acrylic, but if they break loose....

    You can purchase the pH probe holder assemblies from - link 1 - or elsewhere.
  2. DJ in WV's Avatar
    If you going to machine acrylic they recommend you use cell cast not extruded which would include tapping