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David W

Filter sock questions

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Hey i have had a filter sock for about a month now and i have been just running it under water. It doesn't seem efficient enough because it still has a blackish tint to it. I have read to turn it inside out then wash it with bleach in a washing machine. I want to know the most efficient way in cleaning a filter sock please. Thanks all.

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NEED HELP STAT! , ‎ Plumbing


  1. Sumpmonkey's Avatar
    You are correct.I just soak mine in a bucket 3 gallons of water 1/2 cup bleach overnite i just agitate by hand for a few minutes but a machine is the simple solution rinse let air dry for few days.Safe to reuse once all traces of bleach are gone.When i was using them i bought four so i always had clean ones ready to go.Depending on how you have your drain set up in the sump you can make your own filter socks
  2. DJ in WV's Avatar
    alot of folks seem scared of using chlorine bleach by ive used it to clean everything from filter to striping rock for years with no ill affects. Just make sure you use plain chlorine bleach and after use a good dechlorinate or let it set till dry and rinse. pantyhose make good socks
  3. melev's Avatar
    I'm using them as well and blast them with a garden hose. However, from time to time I do like to soak them in bleach water to get them white again. Rinsing and air drying them is critically necessary. Alllow them to dry outside for 24 hours to remove all the chlorine.