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Cucumber adopted into Cube of Fun

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Last night I adopted a cucumber from someone who was going bare bottom and had a beautiful collection of fish that he no longer wanted to be at risk of a cuke nuke.

Name:  Sea Cuc 957.jpg
Views: 610
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I am completely aware of the potential of the cucumber going atomic on my tank. I do not have much in my tank in terms of fish and coral and I am keeping a very close eye on the critter.

One concern I do have is that my sand may be a bit big for him to swallow. I saw him picking sand up and bringing it to his mouth, but most of it seemed to eventually fall back to the sand bed rather then enter his mouth.
Name:  Sea Cuc 955.jpg
Views: 217
Size:  172.8 KB

After playing in the sand, he took to the glass and seems to have found something he likes on it as he was on there for quite some time.

Any words of advice would be appreciated, I know to keep and eye on him and to have power heads covered, which I do.

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Updated 03-25-2011 at 03:41 PM by gist41980 (Added Video)

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  1. melev's Avatar
    The sea cucumbers mop the sand for food and expel clean sand out their butts. Great clean up guy, but you don't want it going through a powerhead. I've had mine travel the glass as well, even hugging Vortech pumps but it never was an issue.

    As they move sand, they can undermine your workwork due to shifted substrate. Keep an eye on that.
  2. gist41980's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by melev
    The sea cucumbers mop the sand for food and expel clean sand out their butts. Great clean up guy, but you don't want it going through a powerhead. I've had mine travel the glass as well, even hugging Vortech pumps but it never was an issue.

    As they move sand, they can undermine your workwork due to shifted substrate. Keep an eye on that.
    Regarding my observation and concern in my above post, Do you think the sand is too large for it ingest or is it common for it to drop lots of grains of sand as it brings it up to its mouth?
  3. melev's Avatar
    Unknown. It can mop off each kernel if it can't ingest it grain by grain. Watch for tell-tale droppings to see if it is processing anything.
  4. gist41980's Avatar
    Droppings have been spotted! He curls up in the top corner of my tank during the day, but when night comes he munches away on the sand bed. He looks good.
  5. melev's Avatar
    That sounds about right.