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Canadian reefing conferences???

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I’m well aware of the vast amount of marine and reef aquarium conferences/ large Frag swaps in the states, I’m just wondering if anyone knows of any that take place in Canada? it seems as if were sorta left out on this one.
The fact that you can’t really bring livestock & coral across the border has definitely discouraged me from venturing out to any in the states. So I just thought I’d see what’s out there

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  1. melev's Avatar
    Many years ago, MACNA took place in Canada. Montreal, I believe. I know that year after year, a lot of Canadian reefers come down to enjoy the event here in the U.S. I'm not sure about corals and customs though; I never thought to ask.

    There are canadian message boards and surely at least a few clubs. You might do a search of these for big events.