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Mid-Tennessee / Nashville / Chatanooga reef'ers?

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Anyone in the Middle Tennessee area? Looking for some clubs / social networking in the area. MTRC ( seems to be dead.

I'm getting more and more involved with my aquatics hobby. I used to have a 55g FOLR tank, but now am working on 250g reef. The more people in the area, the better. Plus, it would be nice to do some frag swapping.

Really, the closest thing I have to a club is Aquatic Critters (, which is just my LFS.

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  1. melev's Avatar
    I posted a link to this on Facebook to get even more eyes on it.
  2. sticks_wife's Avatar
    You are not that far from North Alabama, and there is a reef club there. NARC- Northern Alabama Reef Club. Not sure if that will help or not. Also, I have a brother in law who lives in the Ardmore area who is also starting out in the saltwater hobby. He is just beginning, but is also looking for people to network with. He is on NARC, so maybe check it out and see what you come across.