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Good News, more Good news and Bad news.

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Good News: Since moving my saltwater tank home from the office where I used to work a week ago, I havn't seen any trace of my pistol shrimp/antenna goby pair. Tonight I noticed a mound of sand in front of a shrimp sized hole. So at least the shrimp is still alive.

Good News: I applied for a job last wednesday, and interviewed for it on Friday. I have a follow up interview tomorrow! So There's a very promising chance I'll be employed again after only 4 weeks after being layed off.

Bad News: It's a remote site job, so I'd be away from home from 2 to 4 weeks at a time. No way to maintain a reef, so I'd have to find a new home for all my corals and fish.

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  1. Jaxom's Avatar
    Where will you be working if you get it and what will you be doing.
  2. Alaska_Phil's Avatar
    Sounds like it is primarily at Prudoh Bay and the Valdez terminal, but could by anywhere in between. Where ever I'm needed. it's a field engineer position, so I'd be doing drawing review, cost estimates, construction support and inspections, as-builting and anything else that needs doing.
  3. Hat39406's Avatar
    I'm glad to hear all the good news Phil! But, sad to hear you would need to take down ya tank. And, you won't be able to continue the 150 build, right? I know ya will still blog though, right, hope so. Since I've been at Reef Addict you have taught me a lot. That sounds like a great job though, I hope every turn out good.
  4. DJ in WV's Avatar
    sorry to hear you have to hit the road to get work Phil, been there and had to do the same thing. If i was closer id coral sit for ya.
  5. Midnight's Avatar
    What about a mobile reef in like a small motor home
  6. melev's Avatar
    Will you be flying to work in your little DIY-job?
  7. Neelixx's Avatar
    Are there any "Reef Keeper" maintenance companies around your area? Though, that may be way more expensive than keeping a reef.
  8. Alaska_Phil's Avatar
    Well, they made me an offer today. I'm reviewing it now, but it looks pretty good and I'll probably take it.

    Hat: I'll be selling the 150 gal as it takes up too much space to store. Yes, I have lots of space in the Hangar, but I'll be spraying paint and lubes and other things in there that would be bad to contaminate an aquarium with.

    DJ: Thanks, wish you were too.

    Midnight: The company will be flying me to the job sites and providing room and board there, so as interesting as it would be to figure that one out, it's not really feasible.

    Melev: It's 500 miles to the North Slope from Fairbanks, at 65mph, that's a long trip in an open cockpit. I think I'll just ride the 737 with everyone else.

    Neelixx: Nope.

    So it looks like I'm going to be reefless for the forseable future. Tuan has offered to take some of my corals, he's been after my frogspawn for years now. LOL. Other than that I'm not sure what to do with the rest of the livestock and equipment. I'd be willing to give the whole set up away to someone who knew what they were doing just to know my livestock will be well cared for.
  9. dread240's Avatar
    I'd love to take care of everything for you, but the whole getting it from alaska to MD would be one hell of a chore lol
  10. Alaska_Phil's Avatar
    I signed the paperwork today, and start going through the training on Monday.

    So, anyone have ideas on how to completely automate a reef for 28+ days?
  11. melev's Avatar
    Get your wife to do it.
  12. Alaska_Phil's Avatar
  13. melev's Avatar
    Hmm. I guess that's where things get complicated.... sorry about that.
  14. Alaska_Phil's Avatar
    Yeah, just told my new employer I needed to be in town in June for the divorce hearing. Lost my wife, my job and now I have to give up my reef and dog...been a hell of a year.
  15. melev's Avatar
    That's awful. I'm sorry I brought it up.
  16. Midnight's Avatar
    Play the record backwards so you can get them all back.
  17. Alaska_Phil's Avatar
    Marc, no worries. It certainly crossed my mind that a room mate to take care of the reef would be advantageous. But I'll be doing work that I find much more interesting, and pays substantially better to boot. And I'm sure I'll eventually have an in town job again and be in a better place financially to set up a really good reef. In the mean time I'll be getting 2 weeks off after every 4 weeks of work. And with no aquarium or dog to worry about, You can bet I'll be using some of that time and money to visit some wild reefs.
  18. melev's Avatar
    That sounds like a great idea.