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What does Six Line Wrasse taste like?

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I don't know, but based upon the response of my clean up crew, it must be fantastic. I've had this Six Line since early 2006, and during the livestock transfer, it injured itself darting out of a piece of live rock. For the past month, he's been swimming funny and was looking more and more tattered.

I decided to let things play out naturally, and didn't have much hope of its recovery. When Matt Pedersen was here, he felt that it was old and probably near the end of its life. I don't know what their lifespan is in nature. I'll miss it.

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  1. Alaska_Phil's Avatar
    Sorry to hear about it Marc. Always disappointing to loose an animal you've had for a long time. Doubly so after he survived the months in temp. housing.

    So...What are you going to replace him with?
  2. maroun.c's Avatar
    Sorry for your loss Marc.
  3. Jaxom's Avatar
    Sorry for your loss Marc.
  4. UkSweeney's Avatar
    God bless you and your wrasse, in your time of loss. Will you have an LAS (Lost at sea) service?
  5. gist41980's Avatar
    I heard they tasted like chicken. Sorry if the joke was in poor form. I am sorry you lost a fish, I always hate losing them.
  6. melev's Avatar
    I hate losing them too, but had accepted this one well in advance. From the moment I saw him in the new tank, I knew something was way off. He did his best, but it wasn't enough. It seemed like a swim bladder problem, but I swear he lost a fin or two because it just looked lacking.