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Top down pictures

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Every few months, I like to take top down pictures of my corals. Using a Top Down Photo Box, I'm able to penetrate the surface of the water and avoid any reflections from the lighting above.

I decided to get a bunch of pictures of the frags that were added last month as well as some of my corals that survived the ordeal of the tank breakdown and rebuild.

I should point out that the sand is looking a little less pristine as the tank breaks in. Not much I can do about it other than try to not think about it too hard.

The colors of some of my corals are less than vivid for two reasons. 1) I don't run 20,000K lighting across the reef since I like the look of a natural reef under what I would consider daylight conditions. 2) Corals have to get used to the system and will decline slightly until they are acclimated to their new conditions. Thereafter they should color up nicely.

I just added an MP40 to the area above the bommie to add a little cross circulation there. Watching the corals, it just looked like they needed more flow. I set it up to Reefcrest mode and will adjust it as needed.

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  1. Jato460's Avatar
    Awesome cant wait until they get big.
  2. Hat39406's Avatar
    Very nice pics Marc!
  3. agsansoo's Avatar
    Great photos ! Are you coming to MAX next month ? You could pickup some great corals there.
  4. canyousee's Avatar
    Your rocks have really colored up very nicely.
  5. Coventry's Avatar
    These pics are gorgeous! I am quite jealous.
  6. maroun.c's Avatar
    Love the pics.