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Nudibranch perhaps?

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Hello all,

I have posted a video of a critter that I had the opportunity to film. The focus gets better after a few seconds.

I am not sure what the little guy is, my educated (or relatively uneducated) guess is that it is a type of nudibranch. I have see this one in my tank on several occasions, but this is the first sighting in a while. While he is still rather small I would say he has tripled in size over the past month.

So, can anyone give a positive id?

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  1. Blown76mav's Avatar
    Not sure what it is but I would pull it out and put it in the sump until I found out.
  2. melev's Avatar
    I don't recognize it, but more importantly you need to tell your wife that the toaster definitely doesn't go in the dryer.
  3. reefocd's Avatar
    I was thinking soup cans in the sump ... No help on the critter.
  4. gist41980's Avatar
    Ha! I didn't watch the video with sound the after I posted it. My wife was employing an attention getting device as I had been gazing into the aquarium for countless hours, still didn't get my attention. Actually she was making the loudest cookies know to man.

    I also received an identification:
    My guess is an Thuridilla sp. (perhaps Thuridilla gracilis):
    I am told he is a harmless herbivore.
  5. melev's Avatar
    What does it eat?
  6. gist41980's Avatar
    Good question, I have been wondering that myself. I have not actually seen it eat. It survived the tank cycle and seemed to have thrived on the algae bloom. I have also done several searches online, and while physical features are described, I have not come across anything that specifically says what it eats.