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Zoanthids going nuts

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I have a small tank that the plain green/brown zoos are going nuts. What is the best way to clean off the ones I do not want? They are acting like weeds.



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Updated 03-07-2011 at 12:08 PM by melev

Questions - Need some input


  1. melev's Avatar
    Palythoa can overrun a tank like you've noticed. You can sell off rocks full of them, or even try to get some store credit at your favorite fish store. If you want to scrape them off, be meticulous and remove every trace of tissue. Be careful not to get any of the slime in your eyes or mouth - it's easy to do so as these corals can squirt when working on them.
  2. Spyder's Avatar
    I'll second the be careful when handle zoas and plays, in fact I will take it one step further and say don't handle them without wearing some type of rubber gloves. If you do some research on playthoa toxin you will find some pretty scary stuff. There is a thread on RC where someone was doing something with some zoas, he had a hangnail and got a nasty infection that landed him in the hospital and he almost lost his arm. The can go even further and just plain ol kill you.

    If you want them all gone then there are some zoa eating nudibranchs that will devastate them in a hurry, I would only suggest this if you want them all gone as it can be very hard to get rid of them, I know this first hand.
  3. Alaska_Phil's Avatar
    How are you doing it? I've never had zoa's spread, they just barely stay alive for me! In the same tank where LPS and even a few SPS are thriving.