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"Murphy's Law" for Reefer's

Rating: 2 votes, 3.00 average.
This is a list in progress..... feel free to add your own "Murphy's Law" experiences!

1.Whenever making a one handed rock or coral placement there is always a snail or hermit in your very spot. I don't care if you only have one of each. they will be right there.

2. When doing water changes, you can NEVER remember to shut off the auto top off. (even when I write myself a note to remember!)

3. When on your last batch of salt, it always mixes to about 30ppt or less. never higher.

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  1. Jessy's Avatar
    If you have one inaccessible "black hole of death" in your rockwork, your new frag will invariably find its way there so you have to remove half your rocks to get it out.
  2. duster's Avatar
    So true! I Lost about an 8 inch Tiger Tail cucumber in this same black hole. I could see him, but could not get to him. It really gave me skimmer, and lighting issues for weeks.
  3. Blennymower's Avatar
    How about, closing the ball valve on the drain pipe to remove a filter sock, turning on the return pump, while forgetting to open the drain ball valve and then finding water overflowing your tank lol No more ball valve on the drain! ...problem solved.
  4. Mockery's Avatar
    When ever you make a change, no matter how long ago, then go out of town something from that change goes wrong.

    For me it was adding a vortech. Over a month of doing fine then within 3 days of leaving for a month it malfunctions! They have pretty good CS though.
  5. Gill again's Avatar
    Why when doing a water change, and it seems like every time I do a water change, do I "forget" that water is coming out of the other end of the hose I am handling. I always seem to be cleaning up a mess!
  6. duster's Avatar
    How about whenever Im filling a 5 gallon container of RO from my reserves in the garage, I always forget until theres about 20 gallons spilled on the garage floor..
    How about plugging in the wrong plug, walking away, only to discover that you've pumped out 50 gallons from the sump in the basement. And, the water was missing, no puddles, no drips, no damp smell....thankfully it found the hole in the basement floor. Pay heed your significant other when she says she hears something that's not right in the basement. Crazy!