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Difference between a reactor and a fluval/canister filter?

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Hey all I am just wondering if the end result for canister filters and reactors are the same? Thanks

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  1. dread240's Avatar
    canisters normally just trickle down through them and have very low contact time with the media.

    A reactor uses an upflow current to fill the chamber completely, plus the tumbling of the media increases contact time for superior performance.

    That's pretty much it.
  2. NightShade's Avatar
    Canisters are also generally used as a one device does all solution for complete system filtration though albeit not very well , reactors are used in conjunction with other things and generally is placed in or near a sump which acts as your filtration area as well as equipment area.
  3. DJ in WV's Avatar
    i though about this to i got a few old marineland 350 canister's that have a large mess container for media by running it in and out of the sump. I had used one in the past on a Malawi tank and filled it with crushed coral to buffer the tank seemed to work ok