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Bonding Acrylic with MEK

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someone mentioned in a previous blog that acrylic could be bonded with MEK. Since I can't get weld-on in Alaska without paying huge has-mat charges I decided to try it. The result was disappointing. It did bond the two pieces together, but it was a very brittle, thin bond that was easily brocken by hand. Felt similar to a superglue type bond. So i certainly can't recommend using it for anything structural or that holds water.

Anyone else have different results?

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  1. Midnight's Avatar
    how long did you let it cure, what consistency is the product itself. weld-on 16 is goopy and takes longer to cure than the water thin stuff.
  2. DJ in WV's Avatar
    i found a place in cal that doesnt charge the hazmat fee phil
  3. Alaska_Phil's Avatar
    MEK is extreamly thin, more so than water. I let it sit for about 5 hours before testing.

    DJ can you give me their name?
  4. DJ in WV's Avatar I ordered 3 cans 3,4, and 16 and needles just a flat shipping fee no haz mat
  5. melev's Avatar
    Sorry to hear that Phil. I've been told by one company in Houston that they use MEK, but I've never seen it in use nor have I tried it myself.
  6. Alaska_Phil's Avatar
    I'll try a couple more tests with it, but I may have found a local source for Weld on now. At least for 16.
  7. Alaska_Phil's Avatar
    I tried a couple more joints using MEK and finally got a good bond. Since MEK is so thin, it seems that a mirror smooth finish on the peices joined and tight clamping are essential with it.