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Jumping in, Head First

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So, I'm jumping in, head first, in a 5 foot deep pool. It's possible I will crack my head, or at the very least, bust my lip open, but I'm not one to just walk away from a risk. Okay, that's a lie... I usually don't take too many risks without an ENORMOUS amount of research.

I've kept a 55g FOLR tank for a couple of years now. I've been wanting to do a Reef Tank, but never could get my water quality good enough. 2 things I've learned: 1). having a sump seriously decreases the maintenance, and makes things so much more stable. 2). I seriously under-rated the amount of time it takes for this hobby.

Well, I'm getting a little extra cash from my day job, so, it's time to expand my hobby. My wife wants a divider between the living room and the kitchen. What better place to put a tank? The risk becomes, it's an 8 foot divider, and will be a custom tank.

Yep! That means, I'm actually thinking about "making" my own display tank. Living on the edge!

My initial designs show an 96" X 18" X 24" tank (approx 190g) with a 3/4" acrylic. Probably overkill, but, better safe than sorry. I'm designing the sump, plumbing, and electrical now. I'm going to put the sump underneath, but I wish I can do the sump in a different place. The only place I can think of is in my garage, but too much debris flying around, and winter gets too cold.

Well, we'll see how it goes. Just joined, so I thought I'd just stop in and tell everyone just how crazy I really am.


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Updated 02-16-2011 at 06:45 PM by Neelixx

DIY projects


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  1. DJ in WV's Avatar
    Good luck with your endeavor. A lot of knowledgeable people around the site if you run in to any snags. Wish i could talk my wife into something like that but I have been condemned to the basement for my projects.
  2. Midnight's Avatar
    you can actually have a respected tank maker make you a tank of those dimensions. Although I wanted a acrylic tank for many years, I now wish mine was glass and at least 24inches wide. I absolutely hate cleaning the front "glass" because of the scratch risk. Can't use the classic magnet cleaner.
  3. Neelixx's Avatar
    Agreed. I have heard really good reviews on the acrylic magnet cleaner. It's plastic teeth should be safe, as long as you aren't reckless. Of course, this is only what I've heard. My 55g should be glass as it is silicon'd at the joints, but it scratched easily. ((Shrugs)) For that, this worked really well.
  4. Neelixx's Avatar
    Oh, and I forgot to mention, I am asking for a quote for a custom tank, for reference. If it is not *much* more than it will take to make my own, I would rather go that route, and just build my sump. Thanks for the advice!
  5. Neelixx's Avatar
    Thanks DJ! Yeah, I got lucky with that one. I saw an opportunity, and I took it fast!! ((big grin))
  6. Robb in Austin's Avatar
    Glasscages has one about those dimensions, its 24" wide though, for $800ish. Granted, it's a Glasscages, but it's cheap.
  7. Coventry's Avatar
    Have you tried a glass manufacturer? Binswanger is here in Chattanooga and they will custom make any size glass you need cheap. Of course, you would have to build it.
  8. Neelixx's Avatar
    There is a a provider called Indoor Oceans ( in Nashville that I asked for a quote. I'm pretty sure I can get the materials for about $400. But nothing confirmed yet. Piedmont Plastics has a location in Nashville, also.

    Coventry, yeah, I'd rather take my hand at acrylic over plexiglass. I'm not so sure my silicone skills can handle that much water. At least with acrylic, it welds.

    Robb, thanks for that! I had no idea Glasscages was in Dickson, TN. Not too far away for a pickup. A bit apprehensive on just a 90-day no leakage warranty, though. Of course, there is NO warranty on building my own.
  9. Coventry's Avatar
    Sounds like it is going to be awesome. Take lots of pics to post. And Good luck!
  10. DJ in WV's Avatar
    plexiglass is acrylic sheet and cast just a name brand
  11. Neelixx's Avatar
    Yeah, I meant to say "glass" but acrylic was still on the brain. Freudian slip??

    Just got my custom quote back from indooroceans. $2300. Yikes. It's either glass cages for $800 or $400 for make my own. Hmmmm
  12. Mccoy85's Avatar
    I don't mean to burst your bubble but have you considered the cost of lighting, skimmer and all the other equipment you will have to buy. On top of that the cost of electricity to run a tank that size. You will have the cost of rock, sand and the cost of allthe coral to fill the tank If you have a problem paying $2300 for a tank you might want to look at all the other costs
  13. DJ in WV's Avatar
    Think Marc did a recent cost per gallon and was around 90$ per gallon to start from scratch
  14. Neelixx's Avatar

    No worries. No bubble bursted. I'm taken care of there. I'm not exactly starting from scratch. I'll be using some of my stuff from my 55g, but getting new in other things.

    Again, still in the planning stages. Just because I don't want to spend $2300 on a tank, does not mean I don't want to spend it on other items. Is that common where you are? Not sure of the implication there.

    I still think I'm gonna try and build my own. If it fails, it fails, and I will buy. But, I don't want to pass up the possible pride I could have, when it's all said and done.

    I figured, I will water test in my garage, while I'm building the stand and sump. That will probably be around 2 weeks, and will know then, whether the build is good.
  15. Robb in Austin's Avatar
    FWIW, I've never seen a report of a CG tank leaking. Plenty of complaining about sloppy silicone work. All the threads I've read on them suggest they are built like a tank(no pun intended), just not super pretty.
  16. Mccoy85's Avatar
    Have you ever done any major acrylic work before?
  17. Neelixx's Avatar
    Robb, CG? Custom Glass? Are you speaking of the $800 glass tank from GlassCages?

    Mccoy85, I've done a little. Which is what makes it both exciting and nerve racking at the same time. No where near the size I'm planning to do. But, the minute you don't push yourself, is the minute you become stagnant.

    It's not without risk, I know....
  18. Jessy's Avatar
    PULEASE let someone who does this for a living make the tank at any cost. And also increase the depth from 18" to as deep as you possibly can make it. (You'll thank me later). Do you realize that a failing tank can cost SOOOOO much money? IT can ruin your house, cause fires, kill all your livestock. It never fails at a good time. It's always when you're on vacation.

    It's not likely to fail during the water test...its 12 months down the road when the seam gives and you've got $$$ in the livestock already....
  19. Mccoy85's Avatar
    I totally agree with jessy
  20. Robb in Austin's Avatar
    Oops, typo. Yes, Glasscages(GC).
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