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Snorkeler's Cube

Found Copepods in refugium

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Not sure why but today I can't sleep, so I decided to check out the blogs... after reading melev's I felt a little frustrated that I hadn't seen one pod in my refugium yet... It has been about 5 months since I changed my sump to add a refugium and I hadn't seen any pods.

So tonight I decided to stare at the refugium again... can't sleep, so... got my LED flashlight, a magnifying glass, and went pod hunting.

After some 10 minutes I spotted a few Copepods moving, the tiny guys! Yes!! I also spotted something of the same size but shorter and round moving, but I don't know what those are. Impossible to get a picture without a decent macro lens (which I don't own), these guys are tiny, really.

Didn't spot any isopods or amphipods yet, but I had those in the past in my display tank. I found them in Jan 2010 under a Mag-Float glass scraping magnet. After adding a Six-line wrasse in April 2010 I never spotted any pod in the display tank again. Reason why I added the refugium.

I guess that there must be amphipods and isopods in the refugium, maybe in small quantities... at least I hope there are...


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Updated 02-09-2011 at 10:37 PM by snorkeler (typos)

Tags: copepod


  1. Jessy's Avatar
    I'm sure there are pods. You can always purchase some from ISPF (Indo Pacific Sea Farms). Its a great way to add diversity to a tank. I went to my LFS this weekend and they had a pod catcher thing that they used to siphon water with and captured a cup full of pods for a few bucks.
  2. Alaska_Phil's Avatar
    copopods are really tiny so it's rare to see them without a flashlight at night. I use an algae scrubber instead of a refugium, but even so my sump is swarming with amphipods. Once they get started they really take off. I never see any in my display either, except by flashlight. They're really good at hiding in a display.