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Jessy's Candyshop Cubed - Full Tank Summary Month 1

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So I haven't done a full tank summary because I wasn't sure what all I was going to have in the tank. I'm going shopping for corals and fish in LA on Monday so I'll have an entire livestock update next week. But as of right now I'll let you know what I've got going on.
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• Solana 60g Cube & Sump from Current
• Ecoxotic 36 Retro LED light
AquaMaxx AM-200S Skimmer from Marine
• AquaFuge2 Medium from CPR aquatics - Currently lit by an 8000K Stunner Strip from Ecoxotic (Testing the algae growth with LEDs)
• Stealth Heater from Marineland

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• Rock- ~40lbs of Marco Rock
• Sand from old system
• 11 Margarita snails
• 5 Astrea Snails
• 1 Cerith Snail
• 1 Turbo Snail
• 1 Nassarius
• Conch
• ORA Sharknose Cleaner Goby
• Tailspot Blenny
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• Chaeto
• C. Prolifera
• A baggie of pods from the LFS
• LR rubble

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So far things are going well. I have one large piece of LR in the tank and the ball of chaeto has an enormous amount of other algae growing in and around it so I feel like I've got some biological things growing in the tank. I've yet to get a cup of LS from someone. But I've been adding in the water from the bag from the LFS so I hope I'm adding some diversity in there. I'm really thinking about ordering a fuge kit from IFPS. They are actually going to be at NextWave in Fort Worth at the end of this month so maybe they can just bring it with them

I'm watching my two little fish right now as I write this, the new little goby just cleaned the blenny. It is so nice to have a tank next to my desk where I work approx 60-70 hours a week. I missed it. My next task is to try to make the tank as quiet as possible. Its not bad at all, I'm just trying to make the perfect silent system . The loudest part right now is the skimmer pump, and even that is just a low hum. I think if put some foam around the inside of the cabinet door it would deaden a lot of the sound. The skimmer the first few days was overflowing a bunch of clean water, but I think now that I've dirtied up the water a bit, it's skimming properly. I'm getting gunk in the collection cup. So, so far I'm happy with this skimmer but I'll save my review for a few months in.

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I have this filamentous algael growth on my sandbed. I know there is diatoms and cyano but I'm interested to know what this little makeshift forest is that is trying to peak through dead sand. Any ideas?

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  1. adam's Avatar
    The slower you take things the better off you'll be. A month old tank is still really new IMO. Add you're live stock monthly and see how it goes. I'd add more live rock. Good luck.
  2. Sisterlimonpot's Avatar
    Alright Jessy,

    I really like the aquascaping very clean. Where did you get that little refugium from?
  3. Jessy's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by adam
    The slower you take things the better off you'll be. A month old tank is still really new IMO. Add you're live stock monthly and see how it goes. I'd add more live rock. Good luck.
    Of course more live rock is better but I can't with this aquascape. And I did add a few lbs of LR rubble to the fuge today.

    I'm going to be smart with my livestock choices. This isn't my first rodeo I'll keep an eye on parameters and have fresh water ready for a WC.
  4. Jessy's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Sisterlimonpot
    Alright Jessy,

    I really like the aquascaping very clean. Where did you get that little refugium from?
    Its the AquaFuge2 from CPR...I know sells them
  5. Wes's Avatar
    I will be checking with IPSF about a GB for Next Wave, so let me know if you decide you want anything from them.
  6. Jessy's Avatar
    Wes I'd love to. But I don't know how to get it home because I'm going to OKC and DEN after Nextwave... I return home the 03rd
  7. Midnight's Avatar
    Jessy, why does it look like the tank and the light are crooked? Is this just a optical illusion?
  8. Jessy's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Midnight
    Jessy, why does it look like the tank and the light are crooked? Is this just a optical illusion?
    The light is not level. I just haven't fixed it yet :P