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Lighting opinions.

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Ok, so I'm about to order new bulbs for my outer orbit fixture and can't decide what I want to do.

Currently, the fixture has 2x 150w Metal Halide's, 20k, which are new bulbs right before I bought it. I love the color of them, very very white, slight tint of blue.

It also has 4 48" t5's with individual reflectors. Right now they are 4 460nm actinics, but I was thinking about only running 1, possibly 2 actinics, as I know actinic bulbs put out very little par.

My gut is saying to put 1 ati purple plus, then split the other 3 between the ati blue plus and aqua blue bulbs. The aqua blue is like a 12k HO bulb, and the blue plus is actinic 03 and 12k basically.

what's your thoughts?

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  1. melev's Avatar
    That's a tough call. So no pure whites, like a 10,000K at all? For your MH, you may want to use 14,000K Phoenix 150w DE bulbs. They look realllllly good. That's what I had over my angled tank last year.
  2. dread240's Avatar
    I don't have any pure white right now at all.. its 4 clinics and the mh and I kinda like the color to be honest. I do want to get some pink or purple lighting into it as some of my coral looks rather pale.. the aquablue is more of a white light though so I'll at least be adding that spectrum too