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Got myself a small refirbished Boyu MT30 as Quarantine Tank

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My LFS2 had a small refurbished Boyu MT-30 selling for 60% of the price of a new one, looking good, and I decided to buy it as a quarantine tank. My intention is to quarantine new corals more than fish, as I think my tank is already quite full of fish given its size.

Here is the little guy, still not started up:

It is a 25L (6 gal) tank, skimmerless, very simple. But should be enough as quarantine if I do frequent small water changes when I have corals or fish in there, and control the temperature carefully.

My first addition to it, as a test, will be the Green Star Poyps that haven been closed. I believe they are closed because the crabs have been bugging them. Let's see if they open up again when they get to live alone in this nano for a few days.

Snorkeler (Fabio Paoli)

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