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DJ in WV

Making progress

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Well making alittle progress I find im my own worst enemy when it comes to trying to make my mind up on things. Getting the area cleaned out was a major ordeal, boarder line episode of hoarders, years of packing away leftover construction supplies saving me some money but what a mess. Find myself moving things over and over again every time I go to do something, sure no-one else has this problem, so alot of old half done fix it up project hit the trash over the last 2 weeks and we will just say that I prob won't be getting a xmas card from the garbageman this year.

This is part of the base of operations area for working on equipment and whatever else comes along going to pour some q-cret on top of these block for shelving it runs all around the basement as this was dug out sometime after the house was build before i bought it.Attachment 3905

Also in this same partition is going to be another computer station that will hopefully be hooked up to a reefkeeper elite in the future rough work is done on the desk but have alot of left over oak im going to cover it with and build the shelving with. Picked up a monitor/TV at wally world while out with the wife yesterday. Still need to put the electric, cable, and e-net wiring in will be working on this today.
Attachment 3906

Otherside of this is where im replacing one of the sets of stairs. Hate to leave any dead space but not sure how to put access is other than hinging the stairs to raise up like in the old adams family show. Would make a nice place to put sump and scrubber since my 180 will be on the other side of it.
Attachment 3907

Well thats it for now dont seem like much looking at it but progress just the same.

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Updated 01-31-2011 at 09:22 PM by DJ in WV

DIY projects


  1. Hat39406's Avatar
    Looks like a lot of progress to me, good job! ;-)
  2. 1AaronTravels's Avatar
    Looks like a large effort from where i sit. :-) Good Steps forward.
  3. Jaxom's Avatar
    Where in WV are you, I was in Martinsburg all this week, just got back to TX around 6 PM. Things are really coming along, good job.
  4. DJ in WV's Avatar
    Close to morgantown where WVU is. Its off I79 about 35mile south from the WV-PA boarder. Im in Idamay which is a old coal mine town.