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T.I.B.E.T (The Incredibly Big Expensive Tank)

I'm alive, I swear!

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I'm alive, and so is Tibet. I've just been disgustingly busy lately and its not been favorable for the tank.

Just a quick update with some camera shots to keep the build alive. Tibet is now fully finished and fully cured. I'm just waiting on a few orders to come in to plug up the holes to do the first official water test.

Hack January 2011 FTS. Note all the bulkheads! Only missing 4 now. I cleaned out one of my LFSs on boxing day, and they still didn't have enough in stock.

Start of the plumbing. Just waiting now for my BRS order to arrive with the rest of what I need.

Small sampling of the 100lbs of rock I got from Eco Reefer. I plan to use the rock to create the first pillar/outcropping which is stand in front of the overflow to somewhat hide it.

After the watertest, which I'm sure will go well, we'll have the sump built by the same company. So far I've paid out ~$1,500 in plumbing fittings alone; bulkheads, traps, valves, and all the other stuff you can't get at the hardware store.

The basement needs to be cleaned out again as we've been moving things around from room to room for holiday guests, tank builders, other home repairs, etc. I also need to finish installing, taping, mudding, and painting the drywall in the room. I think some of that might happen this weekend or next week, depends on how well I can walk; yay for coming back to a high-endurance sport after 3 months off.

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  1. Alaska_Phil's Avatar
    Welcome back! Looks like you've made some good progress.

    So what high endurance sport do you do?
  2. michika's Avatar
    Its getting there, I think if I could just spend a solid 3-4 hours working on it things would just flow a bit better, oh well, such is life.

    I play Roller Derby. I play on a house team and our travel team. This year I was the "lucky" girl who is going to transition from being a blocker (agile, fair paced with good recovery for frequent bursts of speed and power) to being a jammer/blocker (speedy, agile, manuverable, and stable). Its killing me so far, practice is 15 hours of week on skates, plus 5 hours a week off. So far my body hates me.
  3. Midnight's Avatar
    Where is the overflow going to be? Oh never mind I found it.