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Rough Waters.

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Had a casualty today. Lost a 6-lined wrasse to my LTA, after only four hours of being introduced into the tank. I think the wrasse was trying to pick a piece of krill from the LTA's disc and got himself stuck.
Also, I'm going to have to find a new home for one of my clowns, theyre fighting very aggressively and one has retreated to a corner and is losing color.
Tried moving the LR around, turning the lights off, introducing new stock, almost everything I could think of to cause some confusion and change some territory. Nothing worked.
This is one of those days that makes me want to give up on the hobby. One step forward, and two steps back. :/

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  1. Jaxom's Avatar
    Sorry to hear about your 6-lined wrasse and the overly aggressive clown, but keep your head up Caviar, I'm sure you'll be having one of those 3 step forward and I can't wait to tell everyone what I saw today, days .......... soon.
  2. Heathd's Avatar
    What type of clowns do you have? Are they Maroons?

    I cant imagine any other type of clown being that nutty.
  3. 1AaronTravels's Avatar
    Caviar, am new to hobby, is LTA - Long Tentacle Anemone???
  4. Caviar's Avatar
    Aaron, correct. LTA= Long Tentacled Anemone.
    and Heathd, they are Black Edged True Percs. Nutty as bats, man.
    I managed to trade one of my clowns for a small frag of beautifully colored Zoanthids.
    Which means I made my first official jump into reefing.
    I found a new LFS, with significantly better stock, and better pricing. Three steps forward!
  5. 1AaronTravels's Avatar
    Caviar, Great!@ Am Happy to hear it!!! Some rough waters lately, but things seem to be looking up for you. I finally got my water in my Qtank balanced at 1.0255, after a lot of small additions of salt which took a day and a half. I ordered my rock for my DT and it hopefully will arrive next wednesday, so, I can start the build on the rock next week.